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Êàòåãîðèÿ: Itineraries | Íîâîñòü îò: admin | 15.03.2007, 04:33

Monastery of Dadi or Khut is one of the majestic monuments of the Armenian architecture. It was constructed on a hill, towering above the mountain valley, at the bottom of Karabakh and Mrov ridges.
In V century the temple became residence of Aghvan bishop, and then one of the important cultural and educational centers of this region.
All constructions of the monastery, and they are more than ten, are located on the slopes of the hill.
The legend says, that the monastery was constructed back in the middle of I century on the place of burial of one of the disciples of apostle Fadey (Tadey) - Dadi which was martyrized in Artsakh for propagating Christianity.
Constructions of a monument, basically, are preserved quite well.
According to historians the monastery was inhabited with a plenty of people. It was repeatedly devastated, plundered by Persians, Arabs, Seljukes, Osman Turks. Since XVII century Dadivank had constantly lost its territories and inhabitants of the villages belonging to the monastery, had violently resettled from familiar spots. And already in the middle of XIX century only ruins remained from the monastery.
In the northern part of the monument there is an ancient church of the monastery. Strict appearance of church hardly softens the platbands of entrances covered with ornament.
The second church is also rather ancient and adjoins to the first one. It is significantly narrower and shorter than the first church. Its prayer hall is divided by an internal wall into two equal parts. One of them, most likely, served as a vestibule.The prosperity of the monastery fell on the XIII century. At this time a vestry-chapel of bishop Grigor, which was rather original construction. For harmonization with other constructions, walls of the construction were laid out of crude stone, however from within they are reveted with well refined blocks. Walls of the vestry from the inside are decorated with numerous inserted cross stones. The vestry served as a tomb of grand dukes within many centuries.
The composition center of the entire complex is the cathedral church of Arzu-Khatum constructed in XIII century. It is rather graceful and effective construction, built from white and grey stones. A combination of carefully refined stones from various valuable kinds, the harmonious combination of external architectural forms, decorative reliefs made the cathedral an ornament of entire ensemble. All facade of church is decorated with decorative arches. The extensive area of walls under the windows is covered with inscriptions. Above one of the windows two figures cut to their full height hold a breadboard model of the church. The building of the church is rectangular from outside and cross-shaped from within. In all corners there are two-storey vestries. On the walls separate parts of magnificent frescos are also visible now. On one of the preserved fragments of paintings the scene martyrdom of St. Stephan - a person devoted to his belief, was represented.
The dome of the church externally is made out originally as well . The drum of the dome is divided into 16 high and wide edges. The edges alternately have either triangular niches with arches, or narrow windows. Because of such partition the dome has the fanlike form. Here bright contrast of colors is used: plates of the roof of a dark grey shade, the drum - light pink, and half columns with the arches, surrounding the drum - of grey stone.
The hall of protracted form adjoins to church Arzu-Hatun, constructed in 1241. It served as a vestry for the church.
Opposite the gate of the complex the two-storey belltower was built in the middle of XIII century. In the deaf niche of the second floor two wonder-working cross stones were established. The cross stone represents a fabric of carefully and meticulosly tooled geometrical and vegetative ornaments . Due to very fine and graceful carving, they are similar to the perfect sample of jeweler's or embroider arts.
Opposite the halls of the vestry is located the church of Hasan the Great which, because of the small sizes, sometimes is called chapel. Its walls were erected of roughly processed stones in which small cross stones were inserted. The dome of the church, the roof of which was fallen in, was made of brick.
In the territory of the complex there is a set of buildings of secular purpose. The hall of feasts, which is notable for its riches of forms and decorative details, is one of them. Here four more constructions are located, which were used as dwelling rooms.
In various parts of the territory were located hotels, workshops, a book-depository, creamery, winepress, monastic cells and other constructions .
Ruins of three chapels can be seen on the neighboring hills, outside the fortification.
All the area of the southern monastery was occupied with monastic gardens, most part of which joined the forest by now.
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